Wednesday 18 May 2016

How to make your own website

Website Development,Web pages
Well, creating your own WebPages is no rocket science, as perceived by many. Having a personal website has its own benefits and even if you are not indulged into any business, you must learn how to create a website. Obviously, you would want something more productive than just a personal Facebook page, LinkedIn or Twitter profile, so you can further create a website with your own domain name. Elysium Technologies Madurai, takes you through the essential steps on how to create WebPages.

You don’t need a technical background to create a website
The whole thing depends on the features you want to put into operation on your webpage. Majority of the websites are coded on HTML and CSS, so you can learn these coding languages through resources available online. For the hosting and maintenance of your website, you will need a subscription to a host such GoDaddy, Hostgator, or HostMonster etc.

Costing of your website
Other than the time devoted, a website created by you will cost next to nothing if you can impart some more commercial features. If you go for a website creator, be sure of a price between GHC15 and GHC50 per month, including domain name (.com or .net). Free of cost hosting services and domain names are sometimes accompanied by advertising on your website.

Common features of a good website

Your website logo and the selection of images are major elements of a website that looks quite professional. Ensure you identify with what image formats are available: for example .gif, .jpg and .png. You can take help of image processing software for editing and resizing your images. Gimp is a free of charge option, but for a professional touch, Photoshop is most preferred. If you've used Photoshop earlier, Gimp may appear a little intricate to deal with. 


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