Wednesday 18 May 2016

How to make your own website

Website Development,Web pages
Well, creating your own WebPages is no rocket science, as perceived by many. Having a personal website has its own benefits and even if you are not indulged into any business, you must learn how to create a website. Obviously, you would want something more productive than just a personal Facebook page, LinkedIn or Twitter profile, so you can further create a website with your own domain name. Elysium Technologies Madurai, takes you through the essential steps on how to create WebPages.

You don’t need a technical background to create a website
The whole thing depends on the features you want to put into operation on your webpage. Majority of the websites are coded on HTML and CSS, so you can learn these coding languages through resources available online. For the hosting and maintenance of your website, you will need a subscription to a host such GoDaddy, Hostgator, or HostMonster etc.

Costing of your website
Other than the time devoted, a website created by you will cost next to nothing if you can impart some more commercial features. If you go for a website creator, be sure of a price between GHC15 and GHC50 per month, including domain name (.com or .net). Free of cost hosting services and domain names are sometimes accompanied by advertising on your website.

Common features of a good website

Your website logo and the selection of images are major elements of a website that looks quite professional. Ensure you identify with what image formats are available: for example .gif, .jpg and .png. You can take help of image processing software for editing and resizing your images. Gimp is a free of charge option, but for a professional touch, Photoshop is most preferred. If you've used Photoshop earlier, Gimp may appear a little intricate to deal with. 

Friday 6 May 2016

Need of Content Management System

Content Management System is a gateway for creating good quality and interactive multilingual websites without having a great deal of technical knowledge. In addition, they serve a lot in creating websites that will boast of multiple users or huge amounts of content. Suggested by Elysium Technologies, there is enormous value of content management system for designing the websites which are mentioned below:
Content Management System makes it simpler for people to form, edit and publish content on a website. Website publishing entails considerable technical skills such as knowledge of coding languages like HTML, .net, java etc. A high-quality CMS allows non-technical authors and editors to simply publish their content in a quicker manner.  
With the help of content management system, the entire structure of websites can be easily modified since content management system uses templates. After the template is modified to revise the colors, design, or navigational structure, all of the website's pages will be modernized.
Security is one imperative issue, specifically for intranets. A CMS can ensure the smooth the progress of enhanced content security. It can even manage that who is allowed to publish content on the website, and who is allowed to view what content.
Content Management system also incorporates a very constructive feature i.e. RSS Feed. RSS feeds allow your website's visitors receive daily feeds of the content you publish. In the same manner, we can use RSS feeds from further websites in amalgamation with content spinning applications to keep fresh and appropriate content published on the website each day.
Content management software also assists in developing SEO friendly websites. The website designed using CMS loads quickly and is high-speed in functionality.
Content management system also cuts down the overall web maintenance cost. Moreover, web content management system facilitates a smoother working within the organization plus with the customers.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Elysium Technologies: Online Portal

Elysium Technologies Private Limited has achieved yet another milestone by creating a Matrimonial Portal named “Tamil Suyamvaram“. Tamil Suyamvaram is amongst the world’s most thriving matrimonial service, and has been trusted by many since 2005 for finding their soul mates. This revolutionary matrimonial website has allowed thousands of people to meet their life partners while many others have made some very special friends. 
The objective of this Online Portal is to provide matrimonial services to one and all for changing the way marriages are fixed in India. It is a user-friendly, secure and propitious website which is accessible to every common man irrespective of caste, religion, color or riches. So, whether you call it a Wedding, Shaadi, Nikaah, kalyanam or Shubhvivaah, Tamil Suyamvaram by Elysium technologies is here to help you to find your dream partner.
The services offered deepen the trust of users:
·         Detailed Manual Screening of every Profile
·         Highest level of Privacy & Security
·         Verified Profile & Contact Information
As an authentic online matrimonial service provider, the company gathers detailed information from their members, for providing the users with profiles that match their requirements. The information accumulated on Tamil Suyamvaram cannot be accessed by anyone to determine the identity of a particular individual. Tamil Suyamvaram gathers information like name, address, contact numbers, email, age, gender, personal characteristics, religion/caste information, etc. required by other members who are searching for brides and grooms. Though the members can view this information but they cannot use it to find out the identity of any particular individual.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Points to Remember For Successful Mobile Application

Mobile Application is the latest power-wand for SMEs and big corporate companies. Apart from designing a mobile-friendly version of a website, more and more businesses are wisely capturing the market by developing a pioneering Smartphone application. However, it is not simple to stay ahead in the dynamic mobile application vista. Your mobile application should be flawless for earning high ROI and mark a success story. Several reputed mobile app development companies in India like Elysium Technologies etc. state that there are numerous components which must be added to develop a highly successful app. Listed below are some key components to integrate while building your mobile app:

Elysium Technologies Madurai

1.       IOS and Android operating system 
Your mobile application must be successfully functional on both the platforms – Android and iOS. Since both the platforms have enormous user database, the application ought to be stringently tested on each platform. This will help you to cater huge community of mobile app users across the nation.

2.       Security
Security is amongst the most crucial aspects to bear in mind while developing a potent mobile app. It is important to reassure your customers that their personal data will remain protected and will not be disclosed. And to assure this to your customers, you must integrate some tools that offer best possible safety.

3.       Rapid loading of web pages
In this busy world, everybody is in rush for something or the other. And in such scenario if the WebPages of your applications take a lot of time for loading, they might irritate your user. This will directly lead to the failure of your customer retention and would not serve the purpose. Thus, the pages should load on screens taking the least possible time.

4.       Easy user interface
It is extremely essential to keep the application basic and user-friendly. Of course the user interface is a powerful feature of any mobile application. If your target audience fined it complicated to explore things and navigate through other categories in your app, they will right away move to another application.

Monday 7 March 2016

Future Aspects of Cloud Computing

Elysium Technologies Madurai,Cloud Computing
Initially, the concept of Cloud Computing was perceived as a fancy way of doing business and today more and more companies are getting onboard the cloud computing model. Cloud computing endows the businesses with a set of benefits that desktop computing just cannot counterpart. With cloud computing, the applications and data can be easily accessed anywhere worldwide and coworkers can operate in sync. The future of cloud computing is estimated to get brighter  so here are the big trends in cloud computing seen in 2016, suggested by Elysium Technologies Madurai:

Hybrid Cloud is On

Hybrid cloud denotes the usage of private cloud and public cloud in integration to attain the best effectiveness and outcome levels. The insightful and confidential data can remain within the confines of the company on a private cloud whereas data that has to be processed without worrying about its privacy can be set out to the public cloud. In 2016 we will be witnessing the expansion of hybrid cloud with companies implementing it owing to its utter efficacy.

Cloud Facilitator Comes of Age

Attributable to the speedy adoption of cloud computing the need for a networking agent emerges. It is similar to brokerage service that is equivalent to needs of a venture with the right cloud services making it a win-win situation. Many IT companies today greatly need cloud computing services but they lack the resources to understand the aspects of the service. This is where the facilitator can intervene and make the experience a fruitful one.

Get Constant Delivery

There is a huge need for software applications to bring incessant results regardless of multiple platforms and unsuited infrastructure concerns. The cloud keeps up on that promise to let you flawlessly access an application with all the newest alterations and updates without any glitch. A constant delivery of software application is not treated as an option anymore but crucial for business survival. 

Monday 22 February 2016

6 Stages of Software Development Cycle

Elysium Technologie
The process of software development is an organized structure that helps in the process of Software Development. There are a number of different software process models and each of them has a particular set of activities. To explain it in a simple manner it can be stated that a software development process is a sort of blueprint that is essential for the development of a software product. If you are interested in this field then technical consultants from Elysium Technologies are here to tell you about the stages involved in this process:
      Planning and Analysis
This is the major stage in the procedure of software development. During this stage, all the senior members of a company discuss various possibilities of developing new software. This process involves a lot of discussion and planning. Every decision is analyzed properly and when the experts are satisfied then only the things are approved and the process advances to the next level.

·         Coming up with a definite plan
After a number of lengthy sessions of discussions and analysis, the experts formulate a well-defined plan. This plan involves all the details about the process of software development. This step also needs the help of a Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document as it consists of all the product requirements that are to be designed and developed during this process.

·         Designing the product architecture
Based on the requirements stated in SRS, multiple design approach gets projected and then they get documented further in a DDS - Design Document Specification. Now with the help of this DDS, the best option is identified and finalized.

·         Developing the Product
This is the stage during which the actual development of a product starts. The programming code gets created as per the terms recorded in DDS. The developers work exactly according to the coding guidelines that are specified for them.

·         Testing the Product
After the development of the product begins the phase of testing. In this stage, the product is tried and tested in all possible ways. Experts say that this is an important stage because the real working of the product gets analyzed during this stage only.

·         Deployment in the Market and Maintenance

After qualifying the testing phase,the final product gets released in the market. The initial responses by the customers get recorded and then the needful changes are made to the product once again.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

A Brief about Content management system….

A content management system (CMS) is a quick and easy way to deploy a complicated content-focused site. These systems are developed and designed basically on a modular basis as this allows you to create a graphic template and then to "plug" the content in it. Experts from Elysium Technologies say that in today’s time CMS solutions run most of the websites, blogs, and e-commerce portals. The reason for the popularity of this system is that it is highly advantageous to professionals and businesses as it facilitates the development of a full-fledged website in very little time. In case you are still wondering that why CMS is useful then keep reading to know more:
           There are quite a lot of possible reasons for using CMS but the chief reason is to make generating and editing of content a simple and easy process. Very often developers overlook this main purpose of using CMS and they end up wasting their time in searching other benefits and functions. It is worth noticing that content doesn’t include only text. At times, the content that you want to put on a website is a contact form or user authentication system. The best trick is to search for the CMS that offers the functionality without sacrificing the user-friendliness.

·         Another benefit is that CMS provides a lot of relief to you by creating pages and websites in relatively lesser time. Also, it’s quite easy to choose the layout or the format with the help of CMS. In simpler words it can be said that it saves a lot of time and efforts by simplifying your work.

·         You must also know that CMS helps in creating standardized and uniform pages so it would help in making your site look well organized and well designed.

·         Another amazing benefit is that many Content Management Systems permit you to optimize your pages for search results. This is a key benefit for the professionals working in the SEO world. 

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Common Mobile Friendly Web Design Mistakes

All internet users are aware of the fact that mobile browsing has been the latest trend these days and this trend is going to get bigger in the coming few years. As the number of smartphone users is increasing day by day, simultaneously the use of mobile browsing is also on a rise. Experts from Elysium Technologies say that mobile browsing is very easy and affordable therefore this trend is going to stay here for a longer duration of time. If you are a web designer then read on to know three major design mistakes that you must avoid while designing mobile websites:
  1. Too much text
Mobiles are tiny devices in comparison to computers and laptops, therefore, people do not like to read long texts and content. Always keep the text short and crisp while making a web design for mobile devices. The best way is to break the text into points so that adequate information is conveyed in an organized manner.
  1. Clickable icons or links are too close to each other
One of the most irritating mistakes occurs when two or more clickable options are located very closely. Most of the people use touch screen mobile devices, therefore, it becomes quite irritating when they click one option and accidently end up clicking on the incorrect option. Make sure that you provide enough space while developing and designing mobile websites.
  1. Not Optimizing User Data Input Method
Always remember that taking care of the time, patience, and convenience of the users must be your number one priority while designing a website for mobile devices. Make sure to include only significant fields for user data input as it would generate better results and would be convenient for the users as well.

Well, last but not the least - you must never ever forget to test your web design before making it available for the users!

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Latest Trends in the Field Of Game Development

Technology progresses at a remarkably quick speed and it stands even truer when it comes to the field of Game Development. A number of game developers, publishers and analysts keep working hard in order to analyze the existing trends so that they can come up with something more exciting. Innovation in Game Development is a never ending process and in the recent few years this field has seen a lot of up gradation in almost every aspect.

Games are one of the most interesting forms of entertainment, especially for the young brigade. They are entertaining, fascinating and enjoyable to play. They are also an effective way for escaping boredom. People take full delight in playing electronic games irrespective of their gender or age. This is one major reason behind the sky high demand of new games in the market. Going by the latest trends in the gaming world the entire focus is on developing interesting and intellectual games. Gone are the days when the focus used to remain on creating easy and childish games. In the recent times people like to play games that possess the ability to challenge their intellectual abilities. The craze is also in the favor of online games because people feel that they find it interesting to play online games where they get to interact with other gamer like themselves.

Well, experts from Elysium Technologies say that developing a game is not as simple as it sounds. It takes a lot of time and energy to develop innovative games. The entire process of developing a game involves an extensive use of latest technologies and tools. The game developers are extremely focused individuals that are highly passionate about their work and these individuals play a key role in the expansion and development of this field. 

Thursday 7 January 2016

Why corporate training is important?

Corporate training can help in enhancing business results significantly. It helps in enhancing the productivity of experts working in different organizations and this has been proved to be of immense benefit for the company as well as for the employees. Corporate training incorporates skill improvement and it is an extraordinary learning knowledge, which leaves an immediate effect on the execution of the employees.

What is corporate preparing?
So what precisely is corporate preparing? All things considered, it is one of the approaches to enhance and improve the execution of the employees by concentrating on their weak points. It also fills in as a kind of personality improvement as it helps the employees to become more confident about their skills. A few organizations have entire divisions dedicated for training the employees every now and then. Nowadays a ton of organizations train their employees by sourcing mentors from organizations that offer the service of corporate training. The work of these experts is to ascertain that representatives can give better performances.

Areas of corporate training
One chief territory of corporate training is to prepare the workers to become computer-ready. The increasing use of innovation requires the employees to have some learning about it. Strong pioneers are vital to lead the organization towards achievement, and to prepare them to face the challenges of the corporate world, corporate training is highly important. It also helps in inducing the leadership qualities in the employees. This training helps in replacing the negative mindset of the employees with a positive one and his helps them to perform better in the long run.
Specialists from ElysiumTechnologies say that training the employees with the help of corporate training can help a company to climb the ladder of success in a very short span of time