Tuesday 27 October 2015

Elysium Technologies: Baby Tracker Let Technology Look After Your Baby

“This is definitely the age of technology” and Baby Tracker is one of the proofs that support this statement. This is a device through which the parents can keep a track of their baby even when they are not around the baby.

Parents, especially the new and young parents are always anxious and interested in the modern technological tools that can assist them in improving the safety of their child. All new parents know the sensitivity of keeping a check on their baby all the time in order to make sure that he or she is safe.  While at work, parents get worried about the safety of their toddlers and they hope that the nanny or the baby sitter must be taking good care of the baby. However, with the help of advanced technology working parents can make sure that their baby is safe. Baby Tracker is the perfect thing for such parents and a lot of people are already making use of this wonderful device.

Technology experts from Elysium Technologies say that Baby Tracker is a real-time GPS tracking systems that is excessively useful and offers the parents an innovative and exclusive way to keep tabs on their babies.

230, Church Road, Annanagar, Madurai - 625 020. Tamilnadu, India

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Elysium Technologies: Software Development Process

Programming can be created for a mixed bag of purposes, the three most regular being to address particular issues of a particular customer/business, to meet an apparent need of some arrangement of potential clients, or for individual use Embedded programming improvement, that is, the advancement of implanted programming, for example, utilized for controlling shopper items, requires the advancement procedure to be incorporated with the improvement of the controlled physical item.

The expression "IT Product improvement" may be used to show to the development of PC programming, which is the method of forming and keeping up the source code, however in a more broad feeling of the term it consolidates all that is incorporated between the start of the pined for programming through to the last sign of the product, ideally in an orchestrated and sorted out system. In like manner, IT product development may consolidate investigation, new improvement, prototyping, modification, reuse, re-building, support, or some different activities that outcome in programming items.

Software can be made for a various purposes, the three most essential being - to address specific issues of a specific client/business, to meet an obvious need of some arrangement of potential customers, or for individual use Embedded software development, that is, the change of installed programming, for example, used for controlling shopper things, requires the progression methodology to be facilitated with the advancement of the controlled physical thing.

Specialists from ElysiumTechnology rundown down the phases of programming advancement:
•             Market research
•             Gathering necessities for the proposed business arrangement
•             Analyzing the issue
•             Devising an arrangement or configuration for the product based arrangement
•             Implementation (coding) of the product
•             Testing the product
•             Deployment
•             Maintenance

230, Church Road, Annanagar, Madurai - 625 020. Tamilnadu, India